What’s So Fun About Sketching?

When I set my pen to paper, there’s something that happens that’s hard to put into words – all my cares drop away and I enter the “now”. I find myself in a beautiful world, a triangle between the person I’m drawing, my hand, and the paper. When it’s just right, that image flows from one to another and I feel an exhilaration, the excitement of creation. I feel a connectedness to my subject. No matter who it is, an old man, a beautiful college student, a dog, a businessman. There’s a sense of the oneness of all people. That’s especially why I love to sketch on public transit – because it is a mix of people from all walks of life. All races, creeds, and ages end up on the subway or bus.

You can feel that same joy, too. Even if you’re terrible at sketching to begin with (I started totally loving what I was doing right away even though my first attempts looked mostly like scribbles!) See, there’s an amazing freedom in letting go, in letting lines flow where you will them. You’ll find that as soon as you let go of any preconception about how good you are, or what sketching is supposed to be, you’ll begin to love it the same way I do. And it will bring you joy for the rest of your life.

The Hidden Benefits of Becoming a Talented Artist

Why should you sketch? Lots of reasons! Here are a few:

  • You can sell your artwork and make a lot of money (if you get good enough)
    I started being able to sell my artwork about two years after I began sketching.
  • You can impress your friends.
  • Portraits make excellent gifts.
    Especially portraits of couples or families – it’s a very special gift and only costs you some time and a piece of paper.
  • It’s a great way to relax during down time.
    I sketch on public transit, or when I’m waiting for an appointment or for my food to arrive at a restaurant.
  • It’s a great way to make new friends
    I meet more people while I’m sketching than nearly any other time.
  • It exercises your right brain which improves cognitive ability
    Studies have shown that exercising your right brain (the part responsible for drawing, among other things) actually increases the functionality of your left brain (the part responsible for logical thought).
  • Finally – It’s fun!

Why Should You Sketch?

Sketching is fun!  It helps your brain function better and it is so rewarding to create something beautiful.  Every time I ride a bus or train, I pull out my sketchbook and begin sketching candid portraits of those around me.  Something happens, I go into another state, and it’s like the images flow out of my pen or pencil onto the paper.  The great thing about sketching is that anyone can do it.  Yes, even you!  Fifteen years ago, I was awful at sketching, I couldn’t draw what was in front of me to save my life.  But I loved to do it.  Every time I could capture the image correctly it made me happy.  When you sketch, you see life in a completely different way.  You begin to notice details that other people miss.  It adds a layer of beauty that is truly marvelous.

In the next several months I’m going to teach you how to sketch from life as easily as I do, and more importantly, you’re going to have a lot of fun doing it!