As the lights fly by…

Travel.  Ah, travel.  Some people find travel draining, not me.  Travel recharges me.  Right now I’m sitting in the sightseers’ lounge of an Amtrak Starliner overnight train, on my way from San Francisco to Portland for the week.  The only things visible out the window right now are the occasional sodium lights far away.

Why do I love travel so much?  I think I’ve always felt most comfortable when I’m moving, when things are changing.  Travel is great because every thing is a new experience.  Every moment you’re in a new place.  Often it’s a place you’ve never been before.  I think on some level I just enjoy the motion, the scenery.  It’s like being on a really mellow amusement park ride.

I’ve got my internet broadband dongle wedged into the emergency escape latch, the only place high up where I can get good reception.  I feel so blessed to live in an age where I can make the lounge of a train my mobile office, and even more blessed to have a job that I can do from anywhere.

So good night world, my next post will be from Oregon 🙂

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