Sketching Will Help You Make New Friends

It’s very unusual to see someone sketching in public. When I get on the train and I pull out my sketchbook it usually attracts attention. I usually focus on my drawings but people sitting next to me will usually start to comment. It’s a great ice-breaker and I’ve met lots of amazing people this way. If you ever find yourself in a new place, sketching is an excellent way to make new friends. When I first got to San Francisco about a year and a half ago, I didn’t know anybody. But thanks to my habit of pulling out my sketchbook whenever I got on the train, I started to meet lots of new people, people I probably never would have talked to otherwise. Sketching really diffuses a public space. Normally you see some stranger on a train or bus and you don’t know anything about them. They could be good, they could be a jerk, or they could be a mass murderer for all you know. But when you start sketching, they at least know one thing about you that shows you’re creative and have interesting skills. And on the other hand, if people are interested in your sketches, you know you’ve got something in common with them too.

So I highly encourage you to sketch in public places, because you’ll find you meet so many cool people.

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