I Knew What I Wanted, Even at Age 4

As I mentioned in my previous post, I decided I wanted to be an artist at the ripe old age of four. I knew with conviction and complete belief that I was going to be an artist. And I still know that today. That’s why I’m able to do what I do – because my conviction is so strong – I truly and completely enjoy doing art – it feels like what I’m meant to do. So right now I want you to look inside yourself and examine your motives for wanting to learn to sketch. You need to have a drive inside you, a determination to succeed. It has to be something that fulfills you to do. If not you might have a hard time continuing! If you can’t find that drive inside you, ask yourself why you want to learn to sketch to begin with. It could be any reason – it’s a skill you need for your job – you enjoy it and want to get better at it. Something that really motivates you. Focus on that reason and let everything drop away. Stoke a fire under that reason until you’re raring to go and all you can think about is making beautiful drawings! OK now you’re ready to learn how to sketch.

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