The exact process to follow in order to accomplish an upside-down drawing

1. Find an image of something that is neutral to you, but that is interesting enough that you’ll want to sketch it.
2. Tape it to a table, wall, or easel. Wherever it can be right in front of you when you’re sketching it.
3. Get a blank piece of paper and a pen. It’s better to use a pen than a pencil. Don’t worry about mistakes, just keep going. If you stop to erase your image you’ll get into the wrong state.
4. Start drawing! Focus on a small part of the image, and just follow the line with your pen. Make sure to glance between the paper and your image frequently so you keep track of where you are.
5. When you’re done, turn your image right-side-up. It’ll probably look nothing like what you were drawing, or at least look pretty odd. Never fear – this is an exercise, it’s not meant to be great art – you’ll get there if you keep going with these exercises!

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