Here’s your chance to let out some pent-up anger and stress. Find a paper bag. Pretend it’s your greatest rival. You know, the one who got one point higher GPA than you in school and got that sweet internship you wanted? Or the coworker who got promoted to VP before you. Time for PAYBACK! Go crazy on this bag. Tear it, POUND it. Make it PAY. You’re gonna be the best someday, you’ll show them! You’ll show them ALL. But first you gotta learn to draw.

So once you’ve gotten all that anger out of your system, take the remains of the bag and your sketchbook, and trace all the edges on the pad. This is gonna FREAK OUT YOUR BRAIN and almost MAGICALLY turn you into the best sketcher ever. Nearly overnight! (not really but you gotta perservere. You want to be the BEST don’t you?!?!?)

Do it! Move!

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