Connect With Strangers

Another thing that’s great about candid portraits is that it gives you a chance to get to know some random people you probably would never have met otherwise. When I first started sketching candid portraits in Chicago I discovered that when people see someone pull out a pad and start drawing, they get curious. They get interested. Often the person or people next to me will comment on my drawings, and if I’m feeling social this can lead to all sorts of interesting conversations. I’ve met several people this way who later became friends.

And there’s a special connection formed with the person you’re sketching (note – this is for when you’re actually doing good).

Often whoever you’re drawing will look up and notice you’re drawing them. When I’m doing a good sketch, or feeling really in the zone, I’ll usually flash them a big smile, and they usually smile back. (note: this works in San Francisco, Chicago and Paris. I’ve never tried it in New York…) If it’s a good sketch I usually sign it and rip it out of my sketchbook, and present it to the subject as they leave the train. It feels really good to give someone a spontaneous gift like that, and I’d like to think I’ve brightened quite a few days that way.

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