Hone Your Sketching Skills With Candid Portraits

Here’s why sketching candid portraits is a super-fast way to get good at sketching well:

  • It forces you to sketch quickly – people can move at any time!
  • It gives you a chance to sketch lots of different types of people – from different angles
  • It puts pressure on you to draw well – people around you can see what you’re drawing! The person you’re drawing might want to see!
  • It’s free (well other than the cost of the train or the cup of coffee, or whatever incedental costs you incur in a public place)
  • You can do it on your way to/from work – or any other time you’re on a subway, bus, waiting for your food at a restaurant, etc.
  • It’s fun!

One thought on “Hone Your Sketching Skills With Candid Portraits

  1. Wow… great advice, Jim!

    I never practice enough to be good. Years back, I did way more drawing and sketching because I had time and it was fun for me, so I was much better at it. I miss that and painting — a lot. Hmm…

    Reading your posts makes me want to get back into the groove! 🙂

    – Pat

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